These Bureaus are the licensed rating organizations for workers compensation insurance in their respective states.
PCRB Circulars provide advanced announcement of proposed additions, revisions, developing trends, as well as information relating to current and future events affecting the Pennsylvania workers compensation marketplace. Final approval of "proposed" actions are also set forth within these circulars for Policy, Rating Values, Unit Statistical, Classification and other data issues and procedures.
Various financial and premium data calls are required by carriers to report premium and loss experience on direct business for all workers compensation insurance in Pennsylvania. This includes the Pennsylvania Schedule W for the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. Experience reported on a calendar year basis should reconcile with the Annual Statement Statutory Page 14.
All indemnity claim activities with a jurisdiction state of Pennsylvania are reportable. This includes all workers compensation claims for which an indemnity payment has been made or indemnity reserve established. The jurisdiction state corresponds to the state or federal workers compensation act under which the claimant's benefits are being paid.
The Test Audit Program is a quality control program that monitors the accuracy of carrier premium audits and billing. This effort is to ensure that all data reported to the PCRB conforms to established rules and procedures. Test audit selections are on a random basis and carriers are informed monthly of the selected policies.
Information page that provides access information to Experience Rating Modifications, and details on how to obtain Experience Rating Worksheets and Abstract of Experience. The Experience Modification Calculator is a web-based application that assists users in understanding Pennsylvania's workers compensation experience rating calculations.
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