Enables you to choose how and where you will spend your later years without burdening your family. Long-term care insurance is surprisingly affordable and has many options. Whether you are a breadwinner or a stay-at-home spouse, the right life insurance policy can help you make certain that your family can cope financially with your loss. Health insurance doesn't come close to covering all of the expenses involved. Critial illness insurance allows you, your family, and your lifestyle to survive a critical illness and its costs.
Whether you are a breadwinner or stay-at-home spouse, the right life insurance policy can help you make certain that your family can cope financially with your loss. Ketchum & Company are experts in analyzing your life insurance needs and helping you establish exactly the right plan to secure your family's future. We carry both term and universal life insurance, and represent all the available North Carolina carriers.
Kim is the kind of individual who deserves your trust through his thoughtful, dedicated, and knowledgeable insurance work. His success is the result of his long term professional commitment to his clients on both a personal and business level. Critical illness insurance provides the financial strength you'll need when a medical crisis unravels your life. If you are stuck with a critical illness such as cancer or a stroke, health insurance doesn't come close to covering all of the expenses involved.
The following are representations of the benefits and policy features of one or more of the carriers we represent. Their availability is subject to the applicant satisfying underwriting criteria which may vary between companies. A serious problem occurs when a business owner or an employee that is responsible for certain overhead costs becomes disabled.
Kim came highly recommended from multiple physicians across several specialties. He did a wonderful job of educating me about disability insurance and helping me to make the best decision for me and my family. The process could not have been easier. His relaxed demeanor was much appreciated. I am very thankful that someone recommended Kim to me.
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