To ensure ongoing fiscal security of your family and business in the event of individual hardship by protecting your assets with responsible financial analysis, active guidance, and cost effective insurance products. We specialize in the self employed, whether sole proprietorships, subchapter S corporations's, or subchapter C corporations.
Reviews (1)
Bob Castle
Jun 20, 2020
Simon has looked after my business insurance for many years, he is always honest and professional yet always makes the process as simple as possible, I regretfully moved my insurance away from Simon a few years ago following pressure from my accountant to use there preferred provider (no doubt the accountant was getting a backhander) whilst there was a small saving, when it came to making a claim for flood the other firm had failed to insure me correctly leaving me uncovered! I return to Simon at my next renewal with my tail between my legs and now trust him explicitly with all my insurance arrangements!