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Kurtis Humberto — Mr. Horbal was fantastic to work with, kept in constant contact throughout the process, and helped procure me a great premium
The coverage you need, The service you deserve, The agency you trust. About Us The Lauersen Agency. is an independent insurance agency located in Newtown, Pennsylvania. We represent a select network of local and major firms which enables us to secure competitive rates for all your insurance requirements.
Curtis McKairnes — Love these guys. They've been my insurance agents since I was a kid with my first car. Really helpful. Always there to answer
Get your auto tags and insurance at one convenient location at McCorriston Agency Auto Tags & Insurance in Newtown, Pennsylvania. We make it as easy as possible to take care of your business by offering fast, friendly service, reasonable rates, and unbeatable office hours. No one wants to go to the DMV, but it is unavoidable in some cases unless you rely on us.
Caroline Colavita — Came to do an out of state registration and title transfer for two cars. The woman here was extremely friendly and helpful