Quickly and easily submit your application for a free automobile insurance quote. As a customer, you will enjoy our suite of customer service forms all from your local agent. As an independent insurance agent we can offer accurate coverages with the personal touch you would expect from your neighborhood insurance agent. Whether you have the ideal history, preferred companies desire, or a not so perfect history, we find the right coverage, with the best company, at the best price for you. Quickly and easily submit your application for free using our easy to use website.
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Pfeifer- Ornstein Insurance Agency, LLC is based in Columbus Ohio (Go Buckeyes!) and has been advising clients since 1974. As an Independent Insurance Agency, we work with multiple insurance providers/companies to give our clients the customized coverage they need with competitive prices. Of course, we think we have the best customer service and go out of our way to offer the personal attention necessary to meet our clients needs. Whether it is Home Insurance, Auto Insurance, Business, Health, Long Term Care, Disability or Life Insurance we have a solution to your situation.
Don't Spend Your Time Shopping for Car Insurance - Pfeifer-Ornstein Insurance Agency Will do it for You!. Liability coverage pays for your legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage. Medical coverage pays for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses.
Protect Every Aspect of Your Business - Pfeifer-Ornstein Insurance Agency Will do it for You!. Bodily Injury, including the cost of care, the loss of services, and the restitution for any death that results from injury. Property Damage coverage for the physical damage to property of others or the loss of use of that property.
Farm Insurance Covers Crops, Livestock even Farm Equipment - Pfeifer-Ornstein Insurance Agency Will do it for You!. Some farms make all or most of their profits through the crops that they grow. When a disaster, such as a tornado, wildfire or flood strikes and the crops they depend on are devastated, crop insurance can reimburse them for the losses they face.
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