If you want to save on life insurance and learn how to find the lowest-priced policy for your situation, you are at the right place. Buying life insurance is difficult and bewildering at best. For that reason, in 1996, AmericaQuote was founded. Now in our 24th year on the Internet, AmericaQuote is the oldest "instant quote" life insurance website on the east coast.
We were quoting life insurance on the Web before most people even knew there was an internet. We believe that by educating yourself and knowing what you really need, you could literally save thousands.
We were quoting life insurance on the Web before most people even knew there was an internet. We believe that by educating yourself and knowing what you really need, you could literally save thousands.
Life insurance and life insurance underwriting are topics none of us like to think about much. But it's a smart idea to have a policy. Today, the average funeral costs between $7,000 and $10,000, and you don't want your family scrambling to come up with that money. Plus if anything happens with your house, car, .
Research shows that 40% of Americans don't have any form of life insurance policy in place. Does this include you? Buying life insurance is a wise route to take. However, it's all too easy to stray off course. Life insurance policies are designed to provide financial security to your loved ones upon your death.
When the business of life insurance began in 1759 in Philadelphia to help Presbyterian widows and orphans, there were no confusions or differences between term life insurance vs whole life insurance. Today, once you start looking for life insurance, all of the terms, rates, percentages, and explanations can get very confusing.
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