When you employ Capper's Insurance Service, you partner with an entire agency that works for you. Schedule a meeting to sit down with us and discover what your ideal health care and/or retirement strategy looks like. Receive a custom strategy to help you reach your unique retirement and health coverage goals.
Elsaa Ruean — The service was good, the representative was very professional. They answered all of my questions.
The KBIWCF is a Group Self-Insurance Fund, which means that you are pooling your dollars with other members of the program. You are an owner in the firm. As a Kansas based Fund, we cannot leave the State when the going gets tough, as the Standard insurance firms have been known to do.
Eric Williams — I was in this building briefly on work-related business (for hiring purposes). Nice enough for an insurance building, good
Advance Insurance Company of Kansas AICK is a subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas BCBSKS. Our stability and financial strength as a firm has been confirmed by one of the industry's most trusted rating agencies. A.M. Best confirmed the financial strength rating of Advance Insurance Company of Kansas as A Excellent, along with our parent firm's rating BCBSKS in February 2009.
Kansas Mutual was founded in 1895 as Alliance Cooperative Insurance Company to help Kansas farmers facing unaffordable insurance options. In 1959 the corporate name was changed to Kansas Mutual Insurance Company and now over a century later, Kansas Mutual now insures many types of rural and city properties, writing insurance in all 105 counties across Kansas.
Regulated by the Kansas Insurance Department, KCAMP was formed to provide a viable alternative to commercial insurance because in the late 1980's and early 1990's insurance for municipalities was difficult to obtain and extremely expensive. KCAMP is not unique. There are over 430 public entity pools in the United States to which 85% of all public entities belong.